I came to Canada with my 5 year old daughter – alone, scared, and having just escaped a war back home. My husband had passed away just before we left for Canada, and I was now all alone and scared of this new country.

Unable to speak English, I struggled for quite a bit. One day at the local mosque I received a marriage proposal from a widower with several children. I accepted, thinking I could help his children and also have a safe home for my daughter and I.

One day, I decided that I’d had enough. I went to the police station and they brought me to Nisa Homes. Alhumdulilah, Nisa Homes helped me get my life together.

After a while, my husband requested that I send my daughter away to my family back home, which I refused. After that, he started to abuse me verbally and financially. When that wasn’t enough anymore, he started hitting me with a broom so hard there were times I couldn’t walk from the pain.

One day, I decided that I’d had enough. I went to the police station and they brought me to Nisa Homes. Alhumdulilah, Nisa Homes helped me get my life together. I am so grateful, I now have my own apartment, my daughter is doing well and I am attending English classes.

Nisa Homes gave me hope and helped me regain my confidence and self-esteem.

This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect identities of all involved.