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Une nuit dans ses souliers : #OvernightChallenge

27 Nov 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 28 Nov 2021 @ 7:00 am

Saturday November 27th @ 7pm EST  

Every year from November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to December 10th (World Human Rights Day) Canadians observe these 16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence. 

Join us for this #OvernightChallenge by spending the night in your car on Saturday, November 27th to get a glimpse into what many experience when home is not a safe place. Nisa Homes has had too many women come after being forced to live in their cars, or couch surf, or even spend the night at a Tim Hortons or a mosque (if they even let them!). Join us in raising awareness about this homelessness struggle, amidst this pandemic, and especially as it affects women and children. 

Here’s what you have to do: 

  1. To sign up for the challenge, REGISTER HERE. Feel free to sign up as a family, group of friends or as a company or business team! 
  2. Créez votre page de collecte de fonds sur Launchgood pour fournir un abri et des produits de première nécessité (nourriture, vêtements chauds et médicaments) aux femmes et aux enfants sans abri.Assurez-vous de le partager avec tous vos amis et votre famille pour atteindre votre objectif ! CLICK HERE TO SET UP LAUNCHGOOD CAMPAIGN
  3. Sign the waiver form.  
  4. Do your best to spend the whole night in the car, but if you can’t, that is completely understandable! We know it is not easy, and that’s the point! So do what you can, even if it’s only a couple of hours. 

The #OvernightChallenge is open to anyone 18+ with a car, a driveway, and a thirst to support those in need! It is now time to come together and provide the vulnerable members of our community with hope, the broken with a chance to heal and the helpless with dignity. 

 Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez nous envoyer un e-mail à : [email protected]  

Before the night gets started, we’ll have a guest speaker join us to share their lived experiences at 7PM EST and later at 7 PM PST!



Début :
27 Nov 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Fin :
28 Nov 2021 @ 7:00 am
Site Web :


Nisa Homes