Women who come from homes of abuse have no concept of choice, having been completely oppressed by their abusers. They come across a big decision when they finally decide to leave the abuse. After that first decision to leave, the doors of possibilities that they never had open up for them – a chance to start over, to raise strong children, to work, to get an education. The list goes on.

Chez Nisa Homes, nous aidons les femmes dans ces prochaines étapes, en facilitant la transition d'une personne qui a besoin d'une autorisation pour manger, sortir ou dormir à une personne qui peut passer un entretien, trouver un emploi et trouver un logement à elle. .

But more than that, Nisa Homes assists victims of abuse in finding their voices, finding their strength, and going forward to become a better individual who contributes to the community in which she resides.

Alors, qu'est-ce que je fais en tant que travailleur social chez Nisa Homes ?

My job is to help our clients navigate through the mountain of applications, help them make the tough decisions and provide a listening ear for when they really need it. Our journey together through the paperwork, the healing, and guidance, is to give these women the second chance they deserve.

My job also includes working with children, as half the residents at Nisa Homes are kids and come from homes of abuse. These children are struggling with the trauma of the abuse they have experienced or witnessed. We provide programs to care for the children’s needs in accordance with different age groups. We provide educational and fun activities, which are not only for the children, but for the whole family.

We take pride in our self-care activities with our clients, which include art therapy, cooking therapy, yoga, and more. Self-care is the best way to take care of oneself and release the pressures of the day.

Working at Nisa Homes as a caseworker is a privilege and an honor, because our work here helps families find safety and start a new life, assists women to become independent, and supports children so that they grow up knowing their worth.

Badia Abdelnabi
Travailleur social de Nisa Homes Windsor