Courage to Start Over: A Story of a Single Mother

“I came to Nisa Homes with two young kids, and the third on its way. Abandoned by my husband earlier in my pregnancy and left without financial means to support myself and kids, I had no choice but to live with my brother and his family.

They went out of their way to make us feel unwelcome in their home and burdensome, both my brother and sister-in-law continuously verbally abusing and bullying my children and I.

Living with them only showed me that I had no one to turn to or depend on. This was not the life I wanted for myself or my children nor did I want to bring my unborn child into an abusive home.

We deserved a better life. And I knew that in order to have a better life, I needed to leave.

With all the courage I could muster, I left my brother’s home and found refuge at Nisa Homes. My caseworker helped me find affordable housing, assisted me in getting connected to community resources, employment resources and culturally competent counselling.

With resources tailored for my needs, I was able to provide for my children and learn to live an independent life. Allah SWT opened so many doors for me. All I had to do was take the first step.

This Dhul Hijjah, your support can become the relief and shelter single mothers need to help them get back on their feet. DONATE TODAY!