The word homeless’ carries many connotations and stereotypes, but the truth is homelessness is a broad topic that does not receive enough attention, even though it is a growing concern.

Did you know that there are 4 different types of homelessness?

  1. Unsheltered: Individuals who don’t have housing and are not accessing emergency shelters or accommodations.
  2. Emergency sheltered: Individuals who access emergency shelter and system support because they are unable to secure permanent housing.
  3. Provincially accommodated (Hidden homelessness): Individuals that don’t have permanent housing who access short-term accommodations with the government, the non-profit sector, or independent arrangements.
  4. At risk of homelessness: Individuals that live in nonsecure housing situations due to: hardship, poverty, personal crisis, discrimination, domestic violence, a lack of other available and affordable housing, insecurity of accommodation, and/or the inappropriateness of their current housing.¹

Women and Homelessness

Because Hidden Homelessness is, well, hidden, it is difficult to know the exact number of women experiencing it. From couch surfing to spending the night in one’s car to spending the night at a Tim Hortons, many women fall under the homeless category. Unfortunately, the resources that exist are not accessible to many, especially immigrant and racialized women who face different barriers such as language and transportation. The lack of cultural and religious awareness and sensitivity in shelters and accommodations offered by the Government makes the transition even more difficult.

A crucial part of an effective shelter is providing a safe, familiar, and welcoming space to heal. Only then can one truly flourish beyond their past traumas.

 Causes of Homelessness 

  1. Structural Factors: Economic and societal issues that affect opportunities and social environments for individuals.
  2. Poverty: People who are impoverished are frequently unable to pay for necessities.
  3. Housing: A critical shortage of housing that is affordable, safe, and stable directly contributes to homelessness.
  4. System Failures: Occurs when other systems of care and support fail, requiring vulnerable people to turn to homelessness when other mainstream services could have prevented this need.
  5. Domestic Violence: Individuals leaving suddenly due to violence from a family member can mean that immediate support services are unavailable.¹

Reasons clients access Nisa Homes Services

Nisa Homes fills critical gaps that have been left by society and the government so that women don’t fall into or continue in the cycle of poverty and homelessness.

 Our goal is to: 

  1. Shelter women who have nowhere else to go by providing them with a home familiar with their cultural and religious values.
  2. Heal women that have experienced abuse, trauma, and mental health issues.
  3. Support women who need a helping hand by providing tools and services to flourish and become self-sufficient.

Help us fill the gaps. Donate Today.
