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Refugee: 2 of 3

Your husband would never let you go out to buy groceries or clothing for yourself and your daughter, let alone take a bus or public transport. You have no idea how any of this works. Where do you catch a bus? How do you even buy tickets? You don’t even have enough money to do this. How will you figure out the route? This is just one more thing that’s adding to your stress.
It seems very likely that your child may have some form of Autism – you are completely in shock and don’t know how to cope with this. You don’t even know what Autism is and what you can do to help your child. It appears her behaviour has only gotten worse during your stay. You are feeling so overwhelmed.
You’re also getting anxious having to follow so many rules in a shared space like Nisa homes. You don’t understand why you are not allowed to stay out past 10 PM. Being around so many women with different struggles is weighing heavily on you, that’s why you spend most of your time out of the house.
However, you have found solace in cooking; it brings you tremendous joy making delicious dishes for everyone to share. With so much encouragement from everyone at Nisa Homes, you want to get your food handling certification so you can eventually start a catering business. You have no idea about any rules and regulations in Canada when it comes to things like this.
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Choose one of the following options:

Nisa Homes strives to make this shared space a welcoming place for all. Having rules in place ensures everyone is being treated equally and fairly. These rules help us to make sure everyone in the home is safe and that ultimately you are making the most of your 12 weeks stay with us.

You will have the support of qualified Supportive Counselors that meet with you one on one to discuss coping strategies that you can use to help deal with these feelings. We also have a Wellness program and group activities to help you to learn important self-care skills.

You will have a dedicated childcare worker supporting you and your child throughout your stay. It is possible to schedule times for you to have extra support when you have appointments or meetings with other supports in the Home. Nisa Homes offers a specialised and unique children’s program, individual for each child in the home for the duration of your stay.
 Once you have secured a permanent place to stay, your Nisa Homes caseworker will work with you to create a “sustainability plan”. This plan includes all important addresses, phone numbers and detailed directions on how to get to these places from your new residence. At Nisa homes, we understand that for some residents this may be their first time using public transport and how hard it can be navigating the system for the first time. We can help you with planning your first trip, or if you’re still feeling nervous, your caseworker may also accompany you on your first bus ride. At Nisa Homes, we encourage your independence.

Nisa Homes can provide you with a safe, warm home and help you to make your own goals and find a solution so that you can have a place to call home.

Nisa Homes can provide you with a safe, warm home and help you to make your own goals and find a solution so that you can have a place to call home.

Nisa Homes can provide you with a safe, warm home and help you to make your own goals and find a solution so that you can have a place to call home.