“I Decided I Was Done Being Beaten”: Zahraa’s Story


“I grew up the eldest of 7 children, watching our mother thrown against walls, threatened with knives, berated and beaten her entire life. Our parents had some good times too, which led me to confuse normal marriage with abusive behaviour.

When it came time for me to meet with some potential marriage proposals, signs of difficulty managing one’s anger or disrespect towards me at times did not faze me. I wrote it off as “male behaviour” and chose to focus on their other qualities instead.

As a result, I found myself in an abusive marriage like my mother’s. It was 10 years later, while pregnant with our fourth child, I decided I was beaten for the final time. With no work experience, no post-secondary education, and no income, I reached out to Nisa Homes for answers.

The help I received was phenomenal! Nisa Homes caseworkers were able to help me connect with a lawyer so that I could file for divorce and work out custody of my children. I was taught how to open a personal banking account so that I could begin receiving my Child Tax Benefits and got on social assistance as well.

Alhumdulillah, thanks to all the support I received, I now live in my own apartment with my children and am looking forward to resuming my education once my children are all settled in school!”

This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect identities of all involved.

“Exposure to violence can affect children’s development and ability to learn, and lead to a wide range of behavioural and emotional issues such as anxiety, aggression, bullying and phobias. Research shows that children who witness violence are more likely to grow up to abuse or face abuse” (Alison Cunningham and Linda Baker, Centre for Children and Families in the Justice System, 2007). 

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