Salaam alaikum (peace be upon you),

IT IS OFFICIAL! The National Zakat Foundation and by extension, Nisa Homes (since we are a project of NZF), is now a registered charity with the government of Canada alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah). We are super excited and our organization has been working hard to achieve this status. It has been verified that Nisa Homes operates exclusively for charitable purposes and that your donations are used to benefit the women finding shelter at our homes. Our charity registration number is 839912599RR0001.

So what exactly does this mean for you? 

It means that when you donate to Nisa Homes, you will be issued an official donation receipt for tax purposes. These receipts can be used to reduce the income tax payable of an individual donor or the taxable income of a corporate donor. It’s a win win for all of us.

It means that we have been verified as a credible charity by the Government of Canada, so you can be assured that your hard earned money is really going towards helping those in need.

It also means that because we are dedicated to helping our community we are exempt from paying taxes on a lot of goods and services, which means now your money will be going directly to the women living at our homes who need it the most.

Now that you know all this, what’s next?

We run only on the support and generous donations given to us by people just like you. Currently we are in need of donations to sustain the two homes that we have in British Columbia and Ontario. Your kindness and compassion can help women restart their lives and the lives of their children. Here is a breakdown of what your donation is capable of doing:

$50 Provides Food for a Week
$100 Provides Household Necessities
$250 Provides Food & Household Necessities for a Month
$550 Provides Space for a Single Woman for a Month
$1,250 Provides Space for a Family of 3 for a Month

To donate:

Thank you for your continued support and patience with us during this process. We hope this will be a new stage of growth, empowerment and sustainability not just for Nisa Homes, but for all the women and children we work with.

JazakumAllah Khair,
The Nisa Homes Team