Abuse doesn’t have to be a black eye or broken arms. 

This is the lesson I learned from my abusive marriage. My husband never laid a finger on me but emotionally, financially, and verbally, he destroyed me. Throughout our marriage, I was dealing with depression, which he used as fuel for his abuse, calling me lazy, careless, and shaming me constantly for the way I looked.

It got to a point where his abuse made my depression worsen, which is when I decided that I had to leave. At first, I stayed with several of my friends, but I was afraid of becoming a burden on them, being a woman in her late 40s. I searched up local shelters, from which I found Nisa Homes.

For the first time in an exceptionally long time, I was not shamed of how I looked, my status, or my mental health. I was shown that my depression is only a part of who I am and not something that defines me.

When I reached the Home, my depression became worse. I started feeling overwhelming fatigue and a lack of energy. There were some nights where I slept excessively, and other nights, I could not sleep a wink. There were days when I forgot to eat.

I would have fallen deeper had it not been for the simple support of my caseworker. She would remind me to take my medication, eat, and was very understanding of my lack of energy. These women truly helped me get back on my feet and become self-sufficient and gradually heal.

For the first time in an exceptionally long time, I was not shamed of how I looked, my status, or my mental health. I was shown that my depression is only a part of who I am and not something that defines me.

I finally know now that depression is not something I need to hide.

This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect identities of all involved.