“My husband was abusive from the moment I came to Canada. He took away my passport, my phone, and all my belongings, leaving me dependent on him and only him. When there was nothing left to take from me, he kicked me out of our house. Having lived in complete isolation, I had no friends and believed I would be a burden to my family if I asked for help.

I was left with nothing.

I moved from shelter to shelter, not knowing what tomorrow had in store. My own survival took a back seat when I learned that I was pregnant.  How will I be able to take care of my unborn child? Where will we go? Overwhelmed and scared, I began to panic.

I was at the brink of losing all hope when I learned about Nisa Homes. I called them and felt immediate relief wash over me. They spoke my language, understood my culture, and did not judge me. They welcomed me into the Home and gave me a sense of dignity. I felt safe and free to be myself.

As my due date approached, the women at Nisa Homes celebrated this new chapter in my life: they hosted a beautiful baby shower, helped me find a place to live, and empowered me to seek counselling. They gave me hope.

With the help and support of Nisa Homes, I became who I am today: a strong mother, a helpful neighbor, and a person who can dream again. Now, my future excites me – I can be a nurse, a teacher, or anything else I put my mind to! ”

**This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect identities of all involved. Click Here to read more stories of Women of Nisa Homes.**

Muslim women across the country face hardships like this on a daily basis. Our goal at Nisa Homes is to be of service to those with nowhere else to go. Sheltering those in need is a just a small part of what we do. Our hope is that every woman that crosses the threshold of our homes has the same opportunity to flourish. With your support, we can make this hope a reality.  

Donate today and become the foundation for their success!