“When I arrived in Canada with my husband, I was optimistic about what our life together would entail. He treated me well in our home country, which gave me a sense of comfort as I left everything I knew and loved behind for the unknown.

Everything changed when my husband lost his job a few months after our arrival. After struggling to find a new job, he began to take his frustration out on me. It started with a slap, which he followed up with profuse apologies and promises. I was in complete shock and hurt by his actions, but I truly believed he was sorry and so I forgave him because I loved him.

But then it happened again and again. He began to tightly control the finances, berating or hitting me over what he deemed “unnecessary,” like feminine hygiene products.

I was confused by his constant abuse and his controlling behaviour. I still loved him, but I knew I deserved better than to stay in an abusive relationship for the sake of keeping the family together. I hesitated to ask friends or family for help, and worried what others would say if I exposed this side of our marriage. But one night, after a terrifying encounter with him, I decided enough was enough and that I needed to get out.

I called a shelter, who directed me to Nisa Homes. Despite everything that happened, I wanted to give my marriage one more chance. Nisa Homes helped me set up mediation first through a local mosque, but the results from that were underwhelming. They then referred me to Legal Aid, who were able to mediate our case, clearly informing my husband of the repercussions of domestic violence and advising me to file a formal complaint with the police the next time it happened.

Nisa Homes also let me know that their doors were always open to me if I ever needed them. Alhamdulillah, three months down, my husband is now in therapy to learn to deal with his emotions, with no violent incident since before mediation. I’ll forever be grateful to Nisa Homes for respecting my wish in helping me save my marriage.”

This story is based on a real Nisa Homes’ client. However, details and names have been changed to protect identities of all involved.